L'odyssée d'Aly, the journey of an unaccompanied minor in Paris
Working alongside unaccompanied minors
People in exile go through a lot before arriving in Europe, but their obstacle course doesn't stop there. Once in France, they have to understand the administrative system and prove their identity.
The NGO Médecins Sans Frontières is present in reception centers with psychologists and doctors. They are in contact with these young people as soon as they arrive. There are many misunderstandings and doubts.
To raise awareness of this situation, Médecins Sans Frontières wanted to illustrate the difficulties encountered by unaccompanied minors in Paris. What better way than a comic strip to present their experiences?
Communicating to as many people as possible
Instagram quickly appeared to be the most appropriate for our communication: adapted to drawings, it allows a short and close publication. We opted for 10 chapters, for 10 days of publication.
Aude Picault, author of Idéal Standard recently published by Dargaud and comic strips for Libération, took part in the panel to panel exercise. She spent time in the reception centers and based her fiction on the stories she heard from the staff and the unaccompanied children.

L'Odyssée d'Aly tells the story of the day-to-day reality of an unaccompanied minor in Paris. It aims to raise awareness of this extremely vulnerable group.